Polly’s Portal

A Spiritual & Wellness Blog

Yoga Philosophy Polly Liontis Yoga Philosophy Polly Liontis

Changing You, Unchanging You?

I had the great privilege of studying with Sensei Wataru Ohashi (the founder of the Ohashiatsu Institute and Method of Shiatsu) from 1997 – 2005, and he was one of the most influential people in my life, and one of my greatest mentors.

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Yoga Philosophy Polly Liontis Yoga Philosophy Polly Liontis

Generosity of Spirit and an Open Body?


Swami Rama once said that the body will only open up as much as the mind will open up.

Interesting thought.

Yes, our attachment, even to our thoughts, can translate into rigidity in the body. There’s even some data to suggest that one of the things that prevents people from losing excess weight is because they are holding onto difficult emotions, painful memories, rigid ideas, old, even ancestral thought patterns.

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Yoga Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy Polly Liontis Yoga Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy Polly Liontis

What Can You Let Go Of?

There is a practice in the yoga tradition of waking up each morning and asking ourselves,

“What can I die to today?”

So what does that mean?

It means, what can I release, what can I detach from, what can I let go of in my life, whether that be particular thoughts, certain behaviors, physical possessions, expectations in relationships, expectations in any area of our lives, specific plans, 5 year plans, 10 year plans, grudges, sorrow, pity, anger, sadness, happiness, etc.

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